This project consisted of installing approximately 1,400 square feet of Country Manor wall block in Poway, San Diego CA in the summer of 2013. We buy our materials from RCP Block and Brick located in Santee, San Diego CA. The color we used was a mixture of charcoal brown and brown stone.
The first process was to excavate the soil where the wall foundation would be placed. We removed approximately 12″ of soil in order to install 6″ of compacted 3/4″ crushed gravel, and to bury one 6″ block. In places where the wall would be used as a retaining wall against a bank, there needs to be 12″ of compacted crushed gravel installed behind the wall to allow for proper drainage. We used a weed fabric to separate the gravel from the wall blocks as well as a Geogrid reinforcement to hold the walls in place.
The hollow parts of the Country Manor wall block are filled with 3/4″ crushed gravel, and the wall units are held in place using fiberglass pins. Once the Country Manor wall is completed the final process is the install the wall seating caps. This is a fairly easy process for straight walls. Unfortunately for this project most of the walls were curved so the installation of the wall seating caps was a longer process. Each cap must be cut using a masonry saw too give the wall seating cap a smooth curve. Each wall seating cap is attached to the wall blocks using a masonry adhesive.