Pondless Waterfall Maintenance: How to Take Care of Your Pondless Waterfall
October 12
Few landscaping features are as striking and as useful as a pondless waterfall. In addition to greatly increasing your curb appeal, a properly installed and maintained pondless waterfall also helps you sleep and serves as a place for kids and pets to play.
Before you start typing “waterfall installation near me in San Diego” into Google, take a moment to further inform yourself about pondless waterfalls. This will help you avoid common landscaping pitfalls and ensure you get exactly the pondless waterfall you’ve always wanted.
We previously told you how to build a pondless waterfall and how to make sure your waterfall works as it should. Now we’ll give you a few essential pointers on how to keep your pondless waterfall in good working order all year long. Keep reading to learn more.
How do you maintain a pondless waterfall?
One of the biggest advantages pondless waterfalls have over other landscaping features is that they’re extremely easy to take care of. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll only have to maintain your waterfall once a week.
Here’s how to maintain your pondless waterfall:
Do the initial maintenance
If your pondless waterfall has been installed by the experts, you can skip this step. If not, take a moment to ensure the reservoir edges are raised above the water level and that all the other components are in order.
2-3 weeks after installing a pondless waterfall, check the rocks around the edges to make sure they haven’t settled too low. If there’s plenty of wet soil or mulch around the edges of your waterfall, you’ll probably need to compact the soil beneath the liner and backfill the edges to keep water from escaping.
Take care of debris
Leaves, twigs, and other debris can find its way into your waterfall or the rocks around it. You can pick these up by hand or remove them with a leafblower. Pay special care to remove any debris that may have piled onto the reservoir, as this can cause your waterfall to lose more water than necessary.
Use beneficial bacteria
Although a pondless waterfall doesn’t contain any plants or fish, the water can still accumulate nutrients and result in algae growth. To prevent this, you should regularly treat your waterfall with beneficial bacteria. This will not only keep algae at bay, but also remove the organic debris that causes your water to become discolored.
Replenish the water
Even if your pondless waterfall has minimal splashing, it’ll still lose some of its water to evaporation. Since a pump requires a constant water supply, letting the reservoir dry up can quickly break it.
For this reason, you should partially or fully replenish your reservoir on a weekly basis. If you can’t be bothered to do this on your own, or you’d rather spend that time relaxing at the Balboa Park, consider investing in an auto fill valve.
Inspect the components
Every now and then, you should take a moment to examine your pondless waterfall’s tubing, connectors, and pump to make sure they’re in good working order. If you live in an area that gets cold during autumn or winter, don’t forget to check the winterization recommendations for your pump.
Where can I book a reliable waterfall installation near me in San Diego?
Are you looking to add a water feature, an artificial turf, or some other type of backyard enhancement to your property? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pacific Dreamscapes! As the finest landscaping contractor in San Diego, we are uniquely positioned to attend to all your landscaping needs.
Get in touch with us today, or give us a call if you’d like to learn more about who we are and what we do.