Your Guide to Building a Water Fountain

January 31

When you want to enhance the atmosphere in your backyard, a pretty water feature may be just the thing you need. The soothing sound of running water provides a calming effect and gives your landscape an appealing aspect. Moreover, it’s not that difficult to construct one on your own.  You can always opt for a reliable landscaping company in San Diego, CA to make an outdoor wall water fountain, or any other type for you. However, if you’d like to build it yourself, you might be interested in checking the things you’ll need for this project. Read on.  

What do you need for a water fountain? 

While it may seem complicated, all you need is a bit of creativity and a couple of simple parts you can easily find in a store. Here’s what’s necessary to build a simple-yet-effective water fountain.

Water basin

Water basin can be any waterproof container that you’ll use to hold the water. Depending on how you want to build your water unit, it can be placed above or under the ground. If you choose the first option, you should use a concrete basin, but you can also use your imagination and turn any container into a distinctive part of your water feature. On the other hand, if you prefer disappearing fountains, the reservoir is under the ground so it’s not really important how it looks. It can even be a simple bucket that you no longer use. What’s important is that it can hold water. 


This is the essential part since it makes water flow from the basin up. These come in different sizes. The bigger the reservoir, the larger the pump you’ll need to move the water. However, if you’ve designed a small fountain, even an aquarium pump could do the work just fine.  The effect that you’d like to achieve is also important. If you want the water to spray up into the air, you’ll need a bigger pump, but if it’s simply going to cascade over rocks or decorations, then a smaller one is sufficient. 


Tubes or pipes connect the water pump which is placed at the bottom of the basin and the top of the water feature, where the water actually comes out. When it’s necessary to transfer a large amount of water, such is the case with public fountains, it’s important to use PVC or copper tubing. However, for homemade water units, where there’s a small amount of water, the tubing can be shorter and flexible, like the one you can see in fish tanks.


Giving the final touch to your water piece is the stage that you’ll enjoy the most. Here, you can let your creativity really flow. You can use literally anything from plants to rocks and lighting and place it anywhere inside and around the fountain to reach the desired effect. Your family could also take part and the outcome will be a lovely place that you’ll all enjoy. 

What landscaping company in San Diego, CA can install a high‐quality outdoor wall water fountainWhat landscaping company in San Diego, CA can install a high‐quality outdoor wall water fountain?

If you’re wondering what types of water units are most popular, or you’re not sure which one would suit you best, then it’s time for Pacific Dreamscapes. We take pride in the high‐quality comprehensive services we provide.  With the latest techniques and modern approach, our specialists always find a perfect solution for your backyard that matches your desires. Whether your home is in La Jolla or any other area of San Diego, we’ll be happy to make your landscape stand out. Call us now!